Our deepest gratitude to the following individuals and organizations whose continued generosity makes everything we do possible.

$50,000 AND ABOVE
Salman Al-Rashid
Lynn & Mark Angelson
The Angelson Family Foundation
Carmen Chan
Ray DiPrinzio
MacMillan Family Foundation
Barbara H. & Alan D. Marks
Myra Maultasch & Adam Sherman
Howard Gilman Foundation
James Parsons & Todd Spiewak
Kathy & Curtis Robb
The Shubert Foundation
Therese Steiner
Gregory & Cynthia Taylor
Emma Taylor
$25,000 - $49,999
David Aron
Kenneth Bartels & Jane Condon
Matt Benjamin & Yeeta Yeger
Paul Blackman
Ilyssa Coghlan
Macquarie Group Foundation
Leonard Majzlin
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
New York State Council on the Arts
Harold & Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust
Nina Werblow Foundation
Jonathan West
$10,000 – $24,999
Joan Stroud Blaine
Barbara Broccoli
Anna-Louise & Gregory Brown
Marvin Carlson
Nancy Friday Foundation
Sharon & Kevin Coghlan
Con Edison
Alan & Josie Ganek Family Fund
Triangle Community Foundation
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
Goldman Sachs Gives
Marty & Perry Granoff
Lisa & Matthew Harrington
The Hyde & Watson Foundation
Little Royal Family Foundation
Edwin Maynard & Robin L. Dahlberg
Daniel Macy & Robert Kosinski
Tom Mutryn
Poses Family Foundation
Henry Rybicki
Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation
Ted & Mary Jo Shen
Seth Sprague Educational & Charitable Foundation
Jennifer Stork
Gwen Tilghman
$5,000 – $9,999
Axe-Houghton Foundation
The Bay & Paul Foundations
Iris Rainer Dart
Sarah L. Douglas
Joseph Frumkin
Robyn Goodman
Steven Holley
Jerome Robbins Foundation
Stephanie & Ron Kramer
Barbara Bell Cumming Charitable Trust
Irene Mecchi
Elizabeth Newell
The PECO Foundation
Tysha Scott
Adam Sherman
Turner P. Smith
Laurie Sprayregen
Gail Stone & Matt Fishbein
Susan Keyes & James Sulat
Michael Tuch Foundation
John Weidman & Lila Coleburn
$2,500 – $4,999
Marc & Robyn Abrams
Daniel Abuhoff & Tamsen Granger
Don & Maggie Buchwald
Gail Duncan
Lori & Edward Forstein
Franklin Weinrib Rudell + Vassallo LLP
Anne E. Easterling Freifelder & Leonard R. Freifelder
Jacquelyn Grimm
Bruce Haims & Judy Jackson
William Hildreth
Bruce Horten
Bob, Sally, and Haley Huxley
Tom Marshall & Hon. Kathy Keneally
Charles Kopelman
Ilene Lainer
Frank & Patricia Lenti
Claire Lieberwitz & Arthur Grayzel MD
Nina B. Matis
Dan Napolitano
Maeve O'Connor
John Orberg
Maya Browne & Laurence Pels
Carole Pesner
Patricia President
Robert S. Fleischer & Susan L. Raanan
Richenthal Foundation
Laura & Gerald Rosberg
Richard Rosenberg
Steve Spiegel
Sarah Steinberg
Theatrical Rights Worldwide
Richard Zabel
$1,000- $2,499
Susan & Ira Akselrad
Goldie Alfasi-Siffert
Alliance of Resident Theatres
Christine Amorossi
Jimmy Asci & Josh Schulteis
Graham Atkinson
John & Elizabeth Avery
Jed Bernstein
Ruth Bonomo
Beth Borck
Mary Brust
Rosanne Cash
Barbara Cohen
Bruce & Susan Cohen
Neal Cohen & Nancy Beer
Concord Theatricals
Michael Contini
Lauren Cortes
Cate Crowley
Janet L. Dewar
Dick & Jan’s Fix-It Fund
Emily Di Capua
William W. Donnell
Donald Donovan
Robert Dorf
Camille Douglas
James E. & Karen B. Dunford
Max Ember
Michael Emmel
Robert & Griffy Fairbairn
Wayne Farmer
Thomas Faust
Susan Ferriere
David Fink
Joanne Flanagan
Ann Marie Foss
David Frankel & Lynn Freedman
Bart Friedman
Ed & Karen Friedman
Robin Ganek
Paul & Lynn George
Lisa Hernandez Gioia
Aaron Glick
Dr. & Mrs. Allan & Collette Goodman
Mark Greenwald
David Greer
John H. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff & Jamie Harris
Kent Harvey
Rodger Hess
Cameron Hodges
Mr. & Mrs. Craig & Vicki Holleman
Dr. William Hoover
Kelly Fowler Hunter
Karen Johnston
Alan Jones & Ashley Garrett
Hattie K. Jutagir
Jon Kaufman & Unka Mike
The Charles & Lucille King Family Foundation
Louise Klebanoff
Susan Klebanoff
Justin Klein
John Kordel Juliano
Bob Labes
The Lambs Foundation
Jill Lafer
Stan Lee
Edward Leiberman
Michael Levin
Dr. Joan & James Levine
Leslie E. Lewit Milner
M-Squared Music, LLC f/s/o Michael Aarons
Brian & Florence Mahony
The Malhotra Family
David Mallette
Dr. Jane McCutcheon
Israel Meir & Steve River
Andy Brimmer & Tom Molner
Daniel Morais
Paul Adler & David Mortimer
Juliet Moser
Victoria Myers
Dr. David M. Milch & Nancy Notaro
Lisa DeAngelis & Peter Okin
Carol Ostrow
Wayne & Maeve Pambianchi
Rick Pappas
Amnon Parizat
Lori & Lee Parks
Zac Petkanas
Michelle Pirret
Jon Quint
Jeffrey Richards
The Rodgers & Hammerstein Foundation
Roundabout Theatre Company
Neal & Diane Rosen
Robert Russo
Vincent Russo
Janet-Kane Scapin
Miriam Schneider
The Schorin-Ores Family Fund
Barry F. Schwartz
Marsha Seeman
Chris & Karen Segal
Charles E. Simon
Laurence Cantor
Kate Sokolov
Abigail Solomon
Charline Spektor
Christine Steiner
James Stiles
Jeffrey & Janis Ing Strauss
Paul Sturm
Christopher Taggart & Tim Roberts
Matthew Tague & Ross Oliver
William Thurston
Jennifer Tipton
Bruce & Sandra Tully
Kara Unterberg
Jane Wallace
Leslie Weber
Susan Weiner & Chris Aidun
Margaret Simon & David Weisbrod
Sarah Wertheimer
William Morris Endeavor
Francis Williams
Greta Williams
Kevin Williams
Stuart & Travis Yothers
Gina Robertson & Evan L. Zazula
$500 – $999
David Auburn
Heidi & Richard Benjamin
Laura Boyle
Marc Bruni
Daniel Castellaneta & Deborah Lacusta
Margaret Cheever
Pamela Chepiga
Tamar Climan
Shari Cohen
Abigail Corcoran
Betsy Fitzgerald
Stephen Flaherty
Sharon & Marc Gerstein
Kim Gerstman
Todd Haimes
Dr. Robert Heller
Elihu Inselbuch
Martin & Judythe Isserlis
The Johnson Company
Stephanie Ann Joel
Jonathan Kaiser
Elizabeth Kapnick
Sharon Karmazin
Michael & Lindsay Kenworthy
Robert & Marian Klein
Dr. Miodrag Kukrika
Michael C. Lasky & Margaret H. Einhorn
Dr. & Mrs. Marty & Rosanne Leshner
Steven Levenson
David Longo
Frederick Lowinger
Bill & Jane Macan
Randi Miron
Ellen & Justin Mondshine
Devdutt V. Nayak & Asha D. Nayak
Ryan O’Connell
Peter & Marilyn Oswald
Elizabeth Payne
Lexie Perloff-Giles
Play On Shakespeare
Marjorie Powell
Charles Randolph-Wright
William Reader
Cara & Justin Reinsilber
Peter & Susan Restler
Mark F. Schwab
Nan & Neal Shipley
Lisa Sibenac
Andrew W. Siegel
Norman Simon
Stephen Skinner
Jody Falco & Jeffrey Steinman
Christina Sterner
Stephen Symonds
Jennifer Thomas
Catherine Riley Tzipori
Kenneth Vittor
Malcolm Weintraub
Tom Wells & Lee Tannen
Mary Beth & Alan Wilmit
David & Allison Womack
Doug Wright
David & Monica Zwirner
Anonymous (2)
*Updated as of January 22nd, 2024
Add your name to the list by donating online today, or by contacting Oliver Pattenden, at [email protected] or 212.677.4210 x18.
During the 50th Anniversary Season, The John Doyle Artistic Director’s Circle was established to create a fund to provide CSC with the flexibility and resources to take bold artistic risks under Artistic Director John Doyle’s leadership. The Artistic Director’s Circle exists to recognize our closest friends who have given their support directly to John’s vision for CSC for the years ahead. Members of The John Doyle Artistic Director’s Circle are acknowledged with a place for their name on the doors to our theater, designed by David Rockwell.
Marc & Robyn Abrams
Dan Abuhoff and Tamsen Granger
The Angelson Family Foundation
Kenneth G. Bartels & Jane Condon
Paul Blackman
Justin Blake
Luigi Caiola & Sean McGill
Carole Chazin, in memoriam
CSC Board Alumni
Becca Davies & Jeremy Kramer
The Davis/Motise Family
Jamie DeRoy
Denise Dickens & James Incognito
Gary DiMauro
Ray DiPrinzio & Lisa Garson
Donald Francis Donovan & Jennifer Lake
Molly Doyle, in memoriam
The Doylies
Mildred & Joseph F. Farrell, in memoriam
Louise Firestone
Joan Fox
Jacquelyn Grimm
Lisa & Matthew Harrington
Steven L. Holley & John W. Hamilton IV
Jujamcyn Theaters
John Kander
Riki Kane Larimer
Hal Luftig & Dr. Stewart Adelson
Barbara & Alan D. Marks
Myra Maultasch & Adam Sherman
Debra Mayer & Joseph Frumkin
Edwin Maynard & Robin Dahlberg
Elizabeth Newell
Maeve O’Connor
Nicola Port
Peter Quick
The Rockwell Group
Benjamin & Donna Rosen
Daryl Roth
Evan Sacks
Andrew W. Siegel
Christine Steiner
Therese Steiner
Ed Stern, in memoriam
Gail Stone & Matt Fishbein
Mr. James Sulat & Ms. Susan Keyes
Emma Taylor
Roslyn Tom and Mark E. Mason
The Baruch/Frankel/Routh/Viertel Group
Barry & Fran Weissler
Tom Wells & Lee Tannen
Robbie Wilson
*Updated as of November 28, 2022
For more information or to make a gift to join The John Doyle Artistic Director’s Circle and have your name on our theater’s doors, please contact Oliver Pattenden, at [email protected] or 212.677.4210 x24.
In 2021, CSC launched the Coming Back Stronger Campaign to raise funds to secure the long-term success and financial health of the company, and to ensure that CSC re-open after the COVID-19 shutdown stronger than before.